

What is PBR ?

Professional Business Radio, also known as Private Mobile Radio (PMR) are radio communications systems which use portables, mobiles, base stations, and are sometimes based on such standards as MPT-1327.

Large sites with teams working in different areas means that communication cannot only be difficult but costly. Communicate around town, between sites, or with a team working throughout a region with a great range or enhanced security and safety features.

Licenses are required to operate this equipment. After the licence has been paid for there is no cost for the transmissions that are made, individual calls are not charged for.If we haven’t detailed a product or, solution that you are searching for we will endeavor to source it for you through our vast number of contacts in the communications industry. 

Simply email us at with your enquiry.


While we endeavour to make sure any pricing, information & images relating to a product are 100% accurate,
there are occasions in this fast moving industry where pricing, product specifications and appearance change slightly and without our knowledge.
We accept no responsibility for any errors caused this way.